Greg W. AndersonGreg W. Anderson did not follow a conventional path into his career. After trying his hand at several different jobs early in his adult life, he decided that the technology space was for him. He rapidly built a very successful software company and became known nationally as “the architect.”

Having launched a successful tech company, Greg used that experience — and a lot of the income it generated — to develop ways to help others find success in their lives. A renowned coach, mentor and author, Greg wrote the best selling book “The Selfish Divorce” and has been featured extensively in the media. Currently, he leads and curates the successful ‘MindHacking” movement that assists individuals to address the psychology of happenings and application in the four key areas of life familiar to Rules of Success listeners.

We discuss with Greg his inspiring story and how his approach to a life, business and contribution makes a difference for those he works with.

Tidbits from the show:

1. He is a HUGE advocate of continuity as a business model. His successes seem to alway point back to recurring billing.
2. Even if you aren’t the face of an organization, if you create great content you’ll always have a place.
3. His program LIfe Hacking / Mind Hacking is meant for all people; not just those in a position to pay big money for help.
4. The law of least action : the shortest distance to achieve our goal. What’s the least amount of time to get what I want?
5. Change is always simple. It’s not always easy.
6. There are many imprints from our childhood that can effect us subconsciously before we learn to rewrite the neural pathway.
7. The Anthony Robbins Infomercials are a foundational staple for most successful entrepreneurs.
8, Try reading for inspired thoughts, not to finish the book.
9. Writing something down stamps the thought in ink.
10. Getting clear on what you really want is a foundational requirement for any lasting success.
11. Want to grow your influence? It’s consistency.

Notable authors he discussed:
1. James Allen
2. T. Harv Eker
3, Neville Goddard
4. Napoleon Hill

You can find and reach out personally to Greg here:


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